Monday, December 21, 2009

Artic Grilling

This weekend I did what I like to do and threw some meat on the grill. Only difference is I live about 400 miles south of the Artic Circle and it was -1 outside while I was doing this. The thought occurred to me that I can not be the only idio - uh - enthusiast that grills under adverse weather conditions. Perhaps there are others out there that would like to share their tips, techniques, and possibly recipes with the world at large. Having said that I am putting together yet another blog which I shall call "Artic Grilling" - watch for it on your favorite search engine soon!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Problem Solved

Everyone around here was saying we did not have enough snow and it was not cold enough. Now they are saying...nothing. This week we have gotten a couple of feet of snow and today's high might reach zero - and it might not. The fun thing earlier was watching the little snow plows that take care of the sidewalks. Since Monday, these guys have been employed driving the big rigs trying to keep the streets and highways cleared. And they have done a fabulous job. This is truly a winter wonderland where every Christmas is a White Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Warm Snap

Probably the worst thing that can happen during the winter around here is a warm snap. The temps rise above freezing and you get rain instead of snow. This means that the ice on the ground is now covered with a wet sheen that really does not do well for tire traction (or for shoe traction for that matter). Couple that with the fact that you know in about 24 to 48 hours the temps are going to drop again, and you are going to have 300,000 square miles of an ice skating rink.

Not a good day!