Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mendenhall Falls

So I had to spend some time in Juneau, and one of the State Troopers asked me if I had seen "the glacier".  I had not, so he insisted I drive up the valley and look.  Here is the video I took while I was there!  Enjoy!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Home From the Arctic

I got to spend a couple of days this week above the Arctic Circle in a little village called Kotzebue. It was definitely a different experience.  Although I have spent some time in Northern Europe, I have never been this far north before.  It has been on my "bucket list" for oh, 40 years or so, and now I have been there.

Kotzebue was white, stark, cold, and beautiful. I came away with a new level of respect for the people who reside north of the Arctic Circle in small villages, and a wonder akin to awe at the hardiness of the stock that settled the region before there were such things as gasoline, fuel oil, and thrice-daily flights bringing in supplies and sustenance.