Sunday, May 15, 2011

Here is a short video I would like you to watch:

This video captures the essence of everything Jesus was trying to tell people while He was walking among us.  When asked by the Scribe what was the greatest commandment, He gave two – To love the Lord with all your heart, with all your might, and with all your soul; and to love your neighbor as yourself. The bottom line is that as Christians, we are a part of the family of God.  As part of His family, we all have chores to do, and those chores are to reach out to others, both family members and non-family members with the same love, tolerance, and forbearance that Jesus Himself would show, and did show while He was here.
When we see something we think of as awful and ask God why He doesn’t do something about it, His only answer is, “I did – I put you there to help.” The video you just watched highlighted this exactly.  The truly Godly man on the island was the one who prayed, “Please answer all the prayers of the other man.” Jesus told us that our Father in heaven knows what we need, so if we have faith in that one thing, we can give ourselves to praying for others and reaching out to others.
Remember, when you are at your lowest, reach down, because God has placed you there to help someone who is lower than you.  Once you reach down to help that person, your Father will place His arm about your waist and lift you both up.