Thursday, November 27, 2008


Holidays are always a great time for me - always have been. Over the years I have had disappointments on holidays at not being able to be with family, but have learned to accept the fact that what we want is not what always happens. Today we will be having Thanksgiving dinner at the oldest daughter's house with her husband and our grandson. This will be the first holiday when both of the grandkids are together, and we hope to be able to make this a tradition for them.

On this day of thanks we have lots to be thankful for, including jobs, a new home, a nice awd vehicle in which to get around, and family around us to make it a great day. We have had snow since mid-October and got another couple of inches last night, so we are truly in the midst of a winter wonderland.

You always miss those you have left behind, but always keep them in your prayers as well.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and may the Lord truly bless you as we get ready to celebrate the birth of His Son!

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