Tuesday, November 17, 2009


There is no way I can describe the grandeur of driving up the valley either now or during warm weather. The mountains are so close to the roadway that they have a presence all their own. I could take a million pictures with the world's best camera, and you could still not feel the presence of the mountains. And now, with the temps hovering just below zero, the snow and roadways are covered with a constant frost that can only be likened to diamond dust. It is as if God has sprinkled the earth with diamond dust.

This morning, driving in, it was breath-taking to see the effect of the freezing fog of yesterday. Every tree and every branch is alive with light that is bouncing off of whatever light is present. It transforms what we jokingly call the "stick forest" into a flocked fairyland of frost. Again, it is too beautiful for words!

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