Sunday, November 13, 2011


One of the joys of having your own blog, or vlog if you so choose, is that you can post your ideas, your thoughts, your joys and sorrows to the world for the world to see, and comment on.  One of the downsides of having a blog is that often you feel obligated to blog, when you really don't want to, or really have nothing of earth-shattering importance to say.

This is one of those times.

It has, however, always baffled me why we hold law enforcement accountable when some despicable crime occurs, and, in hindsight, we discover the perpetrator had blogged about the crime only weeks before.  So ask yourself just how many blogs you follow?  How often do you search cyberspace for suspicious words or phrases that could lead to something dastardly? Or better yet, just how much more money are you willing to pour into law enforcement to give them the manpower and technology they need to patrol cyberspace, when we don't give them what they need to patrol the highways?

A recent Google of the word "hate" resulted in 722 million hits, neo-nazi - 3,800,000 (make that 3,800,001 after I post this), racist - nearly 68 million. How would you manage this? How would you want your Presidential candidate of choice this next year to address this?

Well, so much for my fifteen minutes of nothingness...

Until next time...

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