Monday, March 23, 2009

Redoubt Explodes

So after many weeks of wondering, Mt. Redoubt finally erupted last night ( The ash plume headed North and East from the mountain, so we are okay for now. The heaviest ash fell north of the Mat-Su valley in quantities of about 1/8 to 1/4 inch. The problem with the ash is that is like little pieces of sharp glass. It can really mess up your car engine and your computers and other electronics, so you end up covering things up to keep the dust out.

Right now the wind is taking the dust away, but the wind doesn't blow in the same direction all the time. The last time Redoubt erupted it blew on and off over a period of five months, so we have taken the precautions we need to make sure everything is okay.

You can check the NOAA site for the latest info.

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