Thursday, February 26, 2009

Long Time

Guess it has been a while since I posted anything here, but things have been rocking along about like normal. Christy is working on her Masters Degree and I am working on my Bachelors so all of our "free time" is spent doing schoolwork, mostly. We took a Sunday afternoon a couple of weeks ago to drive up to Wasilla to see what we could see. Mostly it is small-town USA with more snow. That was about the size of it. The weather here hasn't broken yet, but our snowfall is way below normal. There isn't even a good inch on the ground right now so it looks like we will be trucking in snow again to start the Ididarod race next month. Hard to believe it is almost March, but then it is also hard to believe that I just turned 57. Not exactly a "milestone", but a little daunting. Actually, for the first time in a long time I don't feel old. Being in school again has gotten me excited about the future. A friend of ours Mother just died at the age of 97; so I figure I have another good 40 years or so!

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