Monday, February 9, 2009

So - so

I guess we are starting to settle into a routine. Melissa is off on Monday's now, and Ian is off on Tuesdays. Our Saturdays, which we had hoped to make family days, are rapidly turning into school days for both Christy and I. We wondered this last Saturday why she was able to have Saturdays free in Washington, and then finally remembered that she had Fridays off - which is when she got the bulk of her schoolwork done. Since I didn't start school until we moved here, that made Saturdays our day, except when we were busy with church business (which was most Saturdays!).

We think we may have found a home church, and we are delighted about that. It has been too long since we were connected, but I do have to admit the break has been nice. We realized that in Washington the church was our life, and that meant we didn't have a lot of time for each other. Of course, with the kids and grand kids around we still don't have a lot of time for each other, but we can see the light at the end of the tunnel as things settle down. Melissa is talking about getting a car with her tax return, so that will give her a lot more freedom and liberty. She has also saved up the money to pay for her schooling, and pay cash for it, so that is a really big accomplishment.

Stay tuned for more. The Winter is still upon us, and the Spring doesn't hit until the end of April or the first part of May. Oh yeah, the high temp for today is 10!

More later...

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