Friday, January 30, 2009

Bucket List

In the move "Bucket List", Jack Nicholson writes down, "kiss the most beautiful girl in the world". Morgan Freeman asks how he plans to accomplish this, and Mr. Nicholson answers in one word, "Volume". Later in the movie, Mr. Nicholson meets his granddaughter for the first time and kisses her, whereupon he promptly lines out that item on his "Bucket List".

Today, I had the pleasure of taking my granddaughter out into the snow to play. She delighted in simple things like throwing the snow up into the air and watching it fall. She giggled when neighbors came out and waved, and when one neighbor brought out their puppy to play. Afterwards, we came inside where I had the privilege to fix us some hot chocolate (one of her favorites) and watch her wipe chocolate lips onto the sleeves of a white blouse. I giggled in delight at her innocence.

There is an older granddaughter that I never had the opportunity to play with in the snow. Maybe someday I will, but that is entirely up to her. She is old enough now to make those decisions for herself, and the family dynamic is such that she may not want to. That will be my loss. Anyway, I will relish and enjoy the time now, because the essence of "now" can never be recaptured. It has taken me nearly six decades to realize that.

Living large!

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