Monday, January 5, 2009

What To Do

So when the temperature outside is so cold that your lungs hurt to breath, and you start getting that old "cabin fever" feeling; what are you suppose to do...

Why make cookies, of course!

Christy & Lydia making cookies

While Christy was off for the holidays, and the temps were hovering in the double-digits below zero, there really wasn't anything to do but go stir-crazy, so she decided to let Lydia go stir-crazy on some cookie batter. Their efforts resulted in a couple of dozen of really good M&M cookies, that have quickly disappeared.

Yesterday morning while I was enjoying a cup of coffee, I shot this picture of the townhome across the parking log. I think it was -17 at the time, but if you notice, you can actually see the wood framing under the windows, including the 2x12 floor joists. This means the temperature gradient between the inside and the outside was enough for the inside heat to penetrate the wallboard, the wood, and the external layers of the home so that the frost did not stay where the wood was installed, but instead only stayed on those parts that were insulated. This was the start of our sixth day with temps below zero, but hey, they are saying we should get up to 10 by this weekend. Christy and I figured we would have to pull out the short-sleeved shirts if it gets that warm!!

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