Thursday, January 15, 2009

Another N'ice Day

So we have about twelve days straight of sub-zero temps and then it warms up - to the 40's no less. You would think that this would be a good break, but instead it turns into a n'ice break. Let me explain. The ground is frozen and covered with ice - a mixture of compacted snow, sand and gravel, more compacted snow, more sand and gravel, more compacted snow, and then sub-zero temps for twelve days; you get the picture. The temperature suddently warms up, and it starts to rain. The rain does a pretty good job of clearing the roofs, but what happens on the ground is rain water on top of ice. You want to talk about slick! That stuff in the bottom of bat caves got nothin' on this!!

So for the last two days the schools have been closed because it is too warm. Well, actually, they are closed because the roads are just too slick to have people try and get out. The police are asking people to stay home (which they didn't do when it was snowing), and road crews are having trouble getting gravel out because the heavy trucks are sliding off the road and having to be pulled out themselves. It has been nuts around here for the last two days.

Good part is that everyone has been home and we have spent the last two days getting our school work caught up from the start of the new term - sweet!

I would take some more pictures, but everything just looks dirty - kinda like wet snow - go figure!

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