Saturday, April 24, 2010

Busy Time

While it may appear that I have not been doing much lately, in fact I have been quite busy. We have a couple of major projects at work that have seen me traveling quite a bit and for a large part of the time I am in areas of the State that do not have Internet access. At least not Internet that I can access; let's put it that way.

But I have seen a lot of glaciers, waterfalls, mountain ranges and miles and miles and miles of tundra, so that has been fascinating. The Mendenhall Glacier outside of Juneau was great and I like traveling to Juneau and Fairbanks, but then they are fairly respectable cities as for size.

One thing I have learned when flying over large tracks of tundra in single engine planes - wool socks! I did not realize how much cold can be conducted through tactile touch with the floorboard of an airplane.  While the ride has been comfortable, my feet have frozen. Of course that could be a function of the stainless steel imbedded in my feet as much as from the cold.

At any rate, I will try to post a little more frequently. It looks like the traveling might be on the downhill slope for a while, so that will be a good thing.

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