Sunday, May 2, 2010

Long Time

One of the things I have taken to looking at lately has been my "bucket list". As a young college student in Alabama we were asked to write down those things we wished to accomplish before we "kicked the bucket" and like the movie, this list was worked on, written down to complete the assignment, and then quickly forgotten, until; well, until the movie came out and I started looking at my life.

Two things I have been able to get off my list, and the third is in the making as we speak. I always wanted to go North of the Arctic Circle, and in March I got to visit Kotzebue, Alaska, which is 33 miles north of the Arctic Circle. I have a whole new appreciation for the caliber of people it takes to survive in the Arctic.

A second thing was to learn to tie my own fishing flies, and I knocked that one off the list this last week by taking a class at a local sports shop. I ties two Iliamna Pinkeys, two Egg-sucking leaches and two flesh flies.

A third thing was to fish in Alaska, and I have a trip planned for the end of July during my school break to do just that. So by and large, I am doing just fine with my bucket list.

And I have a lot of time left to get the rest of it done!

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