Monday, August 17, 2009

Interesting Angst

Yesterday afternoon my lovely wife and I went to the movies and saw "Julie & Julia". It was a delightful movie which I will certainly buy as soon as it is released on DVD. Watching the movie there is a scene where Julia Child (Meryl Streepe) is frustrated over the amount of time she has spent on her cookbook with no results and she laments about, "spending eight years of my life because I wanted something to do". It is a poignant moment where she wonders if she has been wasting her time over something because she just didn't want to be bored.

As a human being, but I guess most notably a male of that specie, I often wonder if I have been wasting my time doing "things" because I just didn't want to be bored. I believe we all have the need to feel that something beyond ourselves will last beyond ourselves. The innate need to be creative and know that what we create will stand the test of time. Have I done anything worthy of note, or have I just facilitated others to achieve things worthy of note? More importantly, is the facilitation of others worthy of note?

These are questions which I shall never know the answer to, for how can you know the answer to transcendent questions when you are finite in nature?

It poses and interesting angst...

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