Monday, August 31, 2009

Sunday Lunch

For lunch on Sunday I ventured back to 23rd Street between Eads and Fern in Crystal City and had lunch at La Bettola Italiano. This is another small, quaint place which is decorated in the Tuscan style, so I tried the Baked Manocotti with Sausage and the house Chianti. It took a while for the manocotti to come out (considering I was the only customer in the place), but I enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere and sipping on my Chianti. Almost immediately I was served a salad (small but tasty) and a loaf of what I call Tuscan Bread. Both were delicious, and I had to convince myself to save some of the bread for the main course.

When the main course came out, I could smell it before I saw it and it smelled fabulous. One taste of the manocotti and cheese filling and I knew I had not had anything this good since Naples. The sausage (unlike the pizza sausage on Saturday) was a mild blend of meats that accented the manocotti perfectly. And the chianti was the best I have had in a long time.

This is another place worth the visit if you are ever in the DC area!

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