Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It Doesn't Always Snow

Thought I would send along a couple of pictures to show that it doesn't always snow here.

Looking ENE out of our apartment you see one of the peaks on the Northerm Rim of the Eagle River Valley. Someday soon I hope to get some really good shots of the valley as you re-enter it from going to town.

Looking to the West out of our parking lot, you can see the Denali Mountain Range through the trees. Okay, it is better seen from our window, or from the corner. I will try to get some better shots later.

Anyway, as you can tell, today the sun is shining and the weather is a crisp 18 degrees. We got a lot of snow yesterday, about 3 - 5 inches, but the plows have been out and everything is clear.

Christy and I are wondering how large the snow mountains at the end of the parking lot will get before the weather breaks sometime in late March or early April.

More later...

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