Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sad Way to Start the Day

Just heard that a good friend passed away this morning. That is always sad news, but this lady was special in that she had adopted several children with special needs. She had provided these kids with a safe place to call home; some of them for the first time in their lives. And we are not talking "little" children, but pre-teen and teenagers with some significant problems. She took on the kids and the problems with open arms and an open heart. She will be greatly missed, and not just by her kids. She had taken these kids as foster children, and then went through the laborious process of adopting them. Only time will tell how the "system" will sort this out, but my prayers are with those kids.

1 comment:

WalkinNFaith said...

She was a wonderful woman... :o(
its so bittersweet ... i know she is better off ..but i feel cheated... :o(

I p[ray the system will do BETTER than they usually do for the children!!!