Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Difference

We got three more inches of snow last night and this morning the temp is hovering around 20 degrees. The other week the temps got above the freezing mark and the locals were hostile about it. I didn't understand at the time, but now I do. When it snows and the temp is really low, like single digits to upper teens; you really don't have that many problems. The snowplows take care of most of it, and the gravel on top of the snow gives you great traction. After a little traffic, most streets get down to two clearly discernable lanes and everything flows smoothly. You just have to remember not to do anything sudden, and you are fine.

When the weather gets warmer, then you don't get what the locals call "real snow", but a wet amalgamation of snow and slush. This generally makes the roads very slippery and then at night it freezes into a solid sheet of ice. The next morning you see cars all over the place because "sudden" is no longer a problem - just being out in it causes problems. It's like driving after a short rainfall on really dry pavement. You are apt to find yourself skidding one way or the other for no apparent reason; you just loose traction.

Well, last night's snow was "real snow", and the plows have already made their rounds, so today shouldn't be that bad.

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