Monday, December 15, 2008

Single Digit Weekend

It was one of those weekends when the highs and lows never got out of the single digits. At least the lows never got out of the single digits below zero! Had to take some carboard to the recycle center at the landfill on Saturday. After I got back into the car and cranked up, the temp was showing -8 degrees! I think the high yesterday was about 2 or 4, but it never really go above single digits.

This is a type of cold I have never experienced before, but am finding it easier to get accustomed to than 20's and 30's. When you walk outside, everything crunches. When the fog roles in, it freezes to the trees and flocks them with crystal white. During the four to five hours of daylight, when the sun comes out, everything is truly a winter wonderland.

Will try to get some more pictures to post.

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