On Sunday I posted my final project for this term in school - my first term in quite a while. I am officially on "Christmas Break" until January 8th. On Tuesday I got my books (and software) for next term. It is very intriquing to have the books here and not get into them. I want to go ahead and start reading ahead, but I have promised myself some time off to write and do other things, so I am letting them sit until after Christmas. Not an easy thing to do.I finally got my granddaughter, Lydia, to start taking her afternoon naps on her own bed in her bedroom instead of on the living room sofa next to me. I guess I was being a bit sneaky. My routine during the mornings has included a time when I read to her. Right now we are on "The Princess of Oz" which she really enjoys. Today I didn't read in the morning, but waited until after lunch (her usual nap time). Instead of the usual routine of lunch, cleanup and nap, we did lunch, cleanup, reading (while she lied on her bed) and then nap time. After I finished reading the chapter we were on, she leaned over, kissed me goodnight and went right to sleep. Another small victory in the life of a 3 year old!
While I was walking home from the post office yesterday I happened to notice a man standing outside his truck with a camera. When I looked up I noticed three bald eagles sitting in the tree next to the road, so I snapped this picture with my phone camera (which explains why it looks so small). I wish I had the expertise to zoom in on the images, but that just wasn't going to happen, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

Less than a block away was another eagle, sitting over an open dumpster. This was the biggest eagle I have ever seen, but if you aren't having to hunt that hard for food, you probably can get pretty big! Again, this is the camera with my phone, so you will just have to take my word for it. The bird on wing is a raven - there really aren't that many crows here; mostly ravens - also known as "black chickens". You have to see one up close to understand.
It had warmed up yesterday - almost 20 degrees, so it was pleasant to walk outside. Right now the sun is shining and it is a balmy 14 degrees outside!
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