Saturday, December 27, 2008

Clear and cool

Have been hearing about all the bad weather down South, so thought I would drop a line and a couple of pic's of things in the wonderful, white Northland.

One of the neighbors forgot and left his truck out overnight, so you can see what type of snow we have had. Those bright highlights are sunshine and it is a clear 12 degrees outside right now - our high for the day.

Looking out the back side of the house you can see some of the neighborhood looking toward the south rim of the valley. It has been a wonderful holiday season and we are looking forward to a wonderful new year.

Today my Mom would have been 79 years old. It is sad to think about the number of holidays we have had without her, but at least I know that her pain and suffering are over.

More later...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It Doesn't Always Snow

Thought I would send along a couple of pictures to show that it doesn't always snow here.

Looking ENE out of our apartment you see one of the peaks on the Northerm Rim of the Eagle River Valley. Someday soon I hope to get some really good shots of the valley as you re-enter it from going to town.

Looking to the West out of our parking lot, you can see the Denali Mountain Range through the trees. Okay, it is better seen from our window, or from the corner. I will try to get some better shots later.

Anyway, as you can tell, today the sun is shining and the weather is a crisp 18 degrees. We got a lot of snow yesterday, about 3 - 5 inches, but the plows have been out and everything is clear.

Christy and I are wondering how large the snow mountains at the end of the parking lot will get before the weather breaks sometime in late March or early April.

More later...

Friday, December 19, 2008

Warm Day

It has really warmed up today reaching almost to 25 degrees. As you can see from the picture (taken out my bedroom window) we have lost a lot of snow. The weatherman says we have gotten 41 inches this year, but there is only about six inches on the ground, so everything is running as normal. Still haven't seen a lot of moose, but have seen some eagles scavenging around. Our hope is for a really chilly, really white Christmas. Christy said it would only be her second white Christmas. I don't really remember how many (or how few) I have seen.
Still haven't found a job, but I am not really looking, either. I am doing full-time duty with Grandaddy Daycare for Lydia, and it is really starting to kick in. She is growing like a weed and is really starting to pay attention to boundaries, so that is a good thing. If I have to start home-schooling her (because of Christy's negative experience with the school system), then that won't be such a bad thing. In fact, it might just be a blast!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Little Things

On Sunday I posted my final project for this term in school - my first term in quite a while. I am officially on "Christmas Break" until January 8th. On Tuesday I got my books (and software) for next term. It is very intriquing to have the books here and not get into them. I want to go ahead and start reading ahead, but I have promised myself some time off to write and do other things, so I am letting them sit until after Christmas. Not an easy thing to do.

I finally got my granddaughter, Lydia, to start taking her afternoon naps on her own bed in her bedroom instead of on the living room sofa next to me. I guess I was being a bit sneaky. My routine during the mornings has included a time when I read to her. Right now we are on "The Princess of Oz" which she really enjoys. Today I didn't read in the morning, but waited until after lunch (her usual nap time). Instead of the usual routine of lunch, cleanup and nap, we did lunch, cleanup, reading (while she lied on her bed) and then nap time. After I finished reading the chapter we were on, she leaned over, kissed me goodnight and went right to sleep. Another small victory in the life of a 3 year old!

While I was walking home from the post office yesterday I happened to notice a man standing outside his truck with a camera. When I looked up I noticed three bald eagles sitting in the tree next to the road, so I snapped this picture with my phone camera (which explains why it looks so small). I wish I had the expertise to zoom in on the images, but that just wasn't going to happen, so I guess you'll just have to take my word for it.

Less than a block away was another eagle, sitting over an open dumpster. This was the biggest eagle I have ever seen, but if you aren't having to hunt that hard for food, you probably can get pretty big! Again, this is the camera with my phone, so you will just have to take my word for it. The bird on wing is a raven - there really aren't that many crows here; mostly ravens - also known as "black chickens". You have to see one up close to understand.

It had warmed up yesterday - almost 20 degrees, so it was pleasant to walk outside. Right now the sun is shining and it is a balmy 14 degrees outside!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Single Digit Weekend

It was one of those weekends when the highs and lows never got out of the single digits. At least the lows never got out of the single digits below zero! Had to take some carboard to the recycle center at the landfill on Saturday. After I got back into the car and cranked up, the temp was showing -8 degrees! I think the high yesterday was about 2 or 4, but it never really go above single digits.

This is a type of cold I have never experienced before, but am finding it easier to get accustomed to than 20's and 30's. When you walk outside, everything crunches. When the fog roles in, it freezes to the trees and flocks them with crystal white. During the four to five hours of daylight, when the sun comes out, everything is truly a winter wonderland.

Will try to get some more pictures to post.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snow Difference

We got three more inches of snow last night and this morning the temp is hovering around 20 degrees. The other week the temps got above the freezing mark and the locals were hostile about it. I didn't understand at the time, but now I do. When it snows and the temp is really low, like single digits to upper teens; you really don't have that many problems. The snowplows take care of most of it, and the gravel on top of the snow gives you great traction. After a little traffic, most streets get down to two clearly discernable lanes and everything flows smoothly. You just have to remember not to do anything sudden, and you are fine.

When the weather gets warmer, then you don't get what the locals call "real snow", but a wet amalgamation of snow and slush. This generally makes the roads very slippery and then at night it freezes into a solid sheet of ice. The next morning you see cars all over the place because "sudden" is no longer a problem - just being out in it causes problems. It's like driving after a short rainfall on really dry pavement. You are apt to find yourself skidding one way or the other for no apparent reason; you just loose traction.

Well, last night's snow was "real snow", and the plows have already made their rounds, so today shouldn't be that bad.

Sad Way to Start the Day

Just heard that a good friend passed away this morning. That is always sad news, but this lady was special in that she had adopted several children with special needs. She had provided these kids with a safe place to call home; some of them for the first time in their lives. And we are not talking "little" children, but pre-teen and teenagers with some significant problems. She took on the kids and the problems with open arms and an open heart. She will be greatly missed, and not just by her kids. She had taken these kids as foster children, and then went through the laborious process of adopting them. Only time will tell how the "system" will sort this out, but my prayers are with those kids.

Monday, December 1, 2008

After The Holiday

Well, we didn't do any shopping on Black Friday, but we had a wonderful holiday just the same. Had Thanksgiving dinner with oldest daughter and her family, so everyone was together for the first time in nine years for Thanksgiving. Biggest difference after nine years was the addition of two grand kids.

The weather cooperated and we got about another eight to ten inches of snow over the weekend. So right now (it is about 3 degrees outside) it is truly a winter wonderland! The picture was just taken out my dinning room window. Thankfully, the snow plow guy is very good and comes by when the snow builds up.
Looking forward to a white Christmas this season! Later...

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Holidays are always a great time for me - always have been. Over the years I have had disappointments on holidays at not being able to be with family, but have learned to accept the fact that what we want is not what always happens. Today we will be having Thanksgiving dinner at the oldest daughter's house with her husband and our grandson. This will be the first holiday when both of the grandkids are together, and we hope to be able to make this a tradition for them.

On this day of thanks we have lots to be thankful for, including jobs, a new home, a nice awd vehicle in which to get around, and family around us to make it a great day. We have had snow since mid-October and got another couple of inches last night, so we are truly in the midst of a winter wonderland.

You always miss those you have left behind, but always keep them in your prayers as well.

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and may the Lord truly bless you as we get ready to celebrate the birth of His Son!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

More Snow

We got two new inches of snowfall last night which was great. We have had snow on the ground since mid-October, but what happens is that we get an inch or so and then a cold snap (single digits) actually compresses the snow down to what looks like a thick dusting. Then last week we had a warm front come through and the temps got into the upper-30's and a lot of the snow just disappeared.

The landscape is beautiful with the snow covering. I'll try to get a photo once the sun comes up - sometime around 11 or 11:30.

1435 - Well, the sun never really "came out" today, but here is a shot out our bedroom window towards the inlet:

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Too Efficient

There are times when people around you are just too efficient. When we moved we shipped all our belongings in an ocean freight carrier. They brought the container to the house and we loaded it up, and then sent a semi to pick it up and carry it to Seattle to be put onboard ship.

It was scheduled to arrive to us sometime in mid-December, which was okay since we have minimal stuff we need and could get by. We had planned a nice Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends and a quiet weekend with Christy having Thursday and Friday off.

Except the container arrived today - three weeks early - and we have three days to get it unloaded before they come to pick it back up.

So much for a quiet holiday.

Oh, and we are in the process of swapping apartments - not a big deal with just our clothes and some blow-up mattresses. We were scheduled to move in a couple of weeks (the new place is bigger so the five of us won't be stepping on each other), but now I am asking the owners if we can unload our container into the garage of the new place until we can move. All-in-all, it looks like a really busy holiday.

P.S. (@ 1644) - Just found out our new apartment isn't going to be ready until Tuesday, so we can't unload into that garage, but also found out we don't incur storage fees as long as we call for pickup by 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, 12/4 - Thank you, Jesus!!!!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Fresh Start

Over the years I have posted lots of blogs. Generally I would start a blog when a small group was having trouble getting together. The intent was for the blog to create an avenue of communication. Sadly, that has never been the case. While the blog is a great way to communicate; it is not the most popular anymore with places like MySpace and Facebook taking over those honored positions. While I have used MySpace and Facebook, I have also been attacked through them with DOS attacks, and so stay away from them now for the most part.

A fresh start - another blog - another location. The family and I have moved to the great white north and are enjoying it immensely.

This is a good example of what happens when fog comes in and then freezes in low single digit temps. It is absolutely breath-taking when seen in person. Right now I am the only person in the family without a job, so it falls to me to run "Granddaddy Daycare" for Lydia Grace, my three-year-old granddaughter.
She is a handful for an old man like me, but I don't think I would trade a minute of it. I am back in school working on a Bachelors in Information Systems Security. Sounds impressive, but what I am really trying to do is fill in the gaps of my nearly 40 years working in IT. Unforturnately, I am finding lots of gaps that need feeling. Fortunately, I am not doing too bad - but it is only the first
semester :->

So sit back and relax; and I'll do my best to keep this posted and up to date!